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The plane tree at Varna, being 'Platanus Orientalis', is located near the Asparuhov Bridge

Slava - Submarine Diesel Electric Circa 1959

Varna City Electric Power Plant - Diesel built in 1912-1914

The Varna Joint Stock Brewery Company "Galata" was established in the city of Varna in the year 1907

The night the lights went out in Varna 7th March 1983

Boris SS was lost in collision near Savastopol with the Romanian monitor Ion C. Bratianu on the 9th November 1920.

Prince Boris Clothing Factory

Varna has been established as one of the ultimate port destinations along the Black Sea by the Orient Express since its establishment in 1883.

Dr. Jonas Basanavičius residence 3 Krastyu Mirski Street

. This remarkable building was built in 1912

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