Ref Number: 54
Galata Lighthouse was established in 1863 to replaced twice due to the previous two lighthouses collapsing into the sea due to land slides and poor construction planning.
Ref Number: 54
One of the Black Sea coast’s oldest lighthouses, the initial Galata Lighthouse was built by the French business Compagnie des Phares de l’Empire Ottomane in 1913 (station built in 1863) and has been dormant since 1987. A further landslide crushed the structure, along with a portion of the restaurant, into the sea on February 26, 1998.
It had a white 9-meter-round tower with a lantern and gallery. During World War I, the light station was destroyed by bombardment from the Russian cruiser Empress Maria, although it was later restored when the war ended.
The new Galata Lighthouse was built in 2001 to replace the previous two lighthouses. It is currently operational, although the site and tower are not open to the public. The images shows both the original lighthouse and the newer lighthouse to the right.
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