Ref Number: 115
Nicholas Sanson 1698 map of The Balkans and Northern Europe
Ref Number: 115
Sanson released a comprehensive map of the northern region of the Kingdom of Hungary, which includes Transylvania, Moldovia, Bessarabia, Romania, Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, Dalmatia, Slovenia, as well as portions of Ukraine and western Turkey.
The map is focused on the area encompassing the Danube and Carpathian Mountains, and it identifies several prominent cities in the region, such as Vienna, Brno, Poson/Presburg (Bratislava), Zagreb, Budapest, Saraio (Sarajevo), and Constantinople. Those with keen observation skills may notice a small outcrop or island just off the coast of Varna. This serves as more confirmation of the historical significance of this outcrop.
Nicholas Sanson (1600-1667) is widely regarded as the progenitor of French cartography during its illustrious era spanning from the mid-seventeenth century to the mid-eighteenth century. Throughout his career, he generated more than 300 maps renowned for their meticulous study and elegant design. Sanson had a significant role in initiating the transfer of cartography production and expertise from Amsterdam to Paris during the late seventeenth century.
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